Results of public comment : Listing CITES III

Japanese government called for public comment on the proposal that seven endemic species would be listed in CITES Appendices III.
Those species, genus Goniurosaurus and Anderson’s crocodile, whose exports are regulated by Laws. But there are bought and sold in overseas pet markets.
JWCS agreed the inclusion of those species in Appendices III and requested further list up.
And we requested consideration of addition of CITES regulations other species of similar concern from IUCN Red list .
“Results of soliciting opinions on publication in Appendices III of CITES” (Japanese)
There were only 6 opinions. 4 opinions agreed with listing in Appendices III. There was no opinion against the listing.
The Government answered to the request for listing in Appendices II and I, “First of all, We think it is important to be able to grasp the trade status of individuals that already exist outside Japan between third countries. Therefore, we will consider necessary trade regulation measures in light of the CITES Appendices standards. “
In response to the opinion that other species should be included in the appendices, it was “as an opinion, we will use it as a reference for future work.”