Our report of survey result about Japanese wildlife trade, Aichi Biodiversity Target, ivory, pet trade, etc.


October Report : Evaluating the Public Knowledge on the Use of Endangered Species in Producing Traditional Medicines English PDF


March Report : Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy No.3. – How can we conserve Biodiversity- Japanese PDF


October Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 report: Overview of action in Japan thinking about a subsidy and incentives in a local viewpoint Japanese PDF
March Report: Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy. -A Study on Stimulus Measures that have an Effect on Biodiversity? Part 2- Summary English PDF
Report: Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy No.2. -For conseve and bring up biodiversity; Thinking about “Aichi Biodiversity Target 3” subsidy and incentives in a local viewpoint Japanese PDF


March Report: Attaining Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 and the Switch to a Green Economy No.1. Japanese PDF


March Exotic Pets and Japan (summary) EnglishPDF


October Destination of the smuggling ivory is Japan-Propositions on the domestic trade management of the ivory in Japan Japanese PDF
May Slow loris fly so fast into Japan English PDF


October Control of internal ivory trade in Japan-Compliance with Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP12)  
February Bear’s gall trade in the darkness-Reseach about the situation of the circulation of Bear’s gall and the way of it’s regulation, II.  


March Assessment of Japan’s internal ivory trade controls regarding cut pieces  


September Reseach report : The circulation of specimens and products of tiger violating Japanese LCES (the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) Japanese PDF
February Black and Grey -Illegal ivory in Japanese Markets-2nd edition- English PDF


October Black and Grey -Illegal Ivory in Japanese Markets- Japanese PDF
October The Continuing elephant poaching and ivory trafficking in the Central African tropical forest area – With special reference to the Republic of Congo Japanese PDF
February Japan’s Illegal Trade in Bear’s gall – A threat to Bears worldwide – Japanese PDF


June Can the regulations be effective without monitoring? English PDF


April Hawksbill trade Revived? :Annalysis of the Management System of Domestic “Bekko” Trade in Japan English PDF
April Conservation of and Trade in Bears in Japan English PDF
April Effect of Resumption of International Trade on Japanese Ivory Market English PDF
April The Reality of Japan’s Implementation and Enforcement for CITES English PDF


June Trade of Tiger Parts and Medicines in Japan English PDF
February Analysis of the Amended Management System of Domestic Ivory Trade in Japan English PDF