Our statements and suggestions about Japanese government political measures, whaling, pet trade market, etc.


Jun 4 Against adding fin whales to the list of species subject to commercial whaling(Public comment) EnglishPDF
Apr 10 The joint open letter (Appeal for Closure of Japan’s Ivory Market) EnglishPDF
Jan 26 Global coalition calls on Iridium to phase out the provision of GPS satellite services to companies that use harmful drifting Fish Aggregating Devices EnglishPDF


Jan 19 The joint open letter (Action on Tokyo’s Ivory Trade) EnglishPDF


May 10 The joint open letter (Advisory Council’s Recommendations on Tokyo’s Ivory Trade) EnglishPDF
Feb 9 The joint open letter (Specific Recommendations by the Advisory Committee on Regulation of Ivory Trade Needed) EnglishPDF


Oct 7 The joint open letter (The 3rd appeal and recommendations for the closure of Tokyo’s ivory market) EnglishPDF
Feb 18 The joint open letter (The 2nd appeal and recommendations for the closure of Tokyo’s ivory market) EnglishPDF
Jan 15 The “One Health” Joint Declaration
– the Health of Humans, Animals, and Ecosystems Unified as One –


Dec 22 A public comment on a draft report, titled “Inspection results on the implementation status of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan” EnglishPDF
Aug 28 Recommendations of proposals to amend the CITES Appendices EnglishPDF
Apr 6 The joint open letter to WHO from the NGOs(COVID-19: Health risks and wildlife markets – the need for a permanent global ban on wildlife markets and a highly precautionary approach to wildlife trade) EnglishPDF
Mar 12 The joint open letter (praising the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Conference of Experts on Ivory Trade Regulations and calling for the promotion of efforts) EnglishPDF
Feb 11 Live Wild Animal Markets, Human and Animal Health, and Biodiversity Protection(The joint open letter to the WHO, OIE and UNEP regarding wildlife markets) EnglishPDF


Sep 30 Letter of request concerning the IUCN mission for the proposed World Heritage Site “Amami-Ōshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, northern part of Okinawa Island and Iriomote Island” EnglishPDF
Jun 29 Open Letter to World Leaders attending the G20 Summit from the NGOs
(Calling for an immediate end to all commercial whaling)


Apr 11 Joint statement of the NGOs
(Comply with CITES and Stop Distributing Sei Whale Meat)
Mar 20 Joint demanding letters of the NGOs
(Appeal to Immediately Cease Yahoo! Japan’s Elephant Ivory Advertisements and Sales)


Sep 25 Joint statement of the NGOs
(Appeal to Cease Mercari Inc. Elephant Ivory Product Sales)
Jun 27 Statements of the NGOs
(Appeal to Bill on the Implementation of Cetacean Scientific Research for the Resumption of Commercial Whaling)
Mar 17 Joint demanding letters of the Japanese NGOs
(Request concerning the IUCN field mission of proposed World Heritage sites in Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, the northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island)
Mar 3 Joint statement of the NGOs
(Appeal to Cease All Rakuten Group’s Elephant Ivory Product Sales)
Feb 15 Joint statement of the Japanese NGOs
(Petition to the WWFJ about closing of domestic market for ivory in Japan)
Jan 9 Propositions on the Draft Report on ‘Measures to take for conservation of endangered species of wild fauna and flora’ EnglishPDF


Oct 18 Japanese NGO Joint Statement
(Regarding the International Whaling Commission’s meeting 66)


Nov 13 Joint statement of the NGOs
(Retract the amendment to the ICJ compulsory jurisdiction agreement and withdraw from the implementation of the new research whaling plan)
Nov 11 Public comment on the advice of a Scientific Authority for the exportation of the Japanese pond turtle  Japanese
Oct 15 Appeal of NGOs to the Japanese government
(About Settlement of the sanctuary in the Antarctic Ocean)
Jul 28 Joint statement of environment NGOs about Disagreement for the security bills JapanesePDF
June 13 Arresting extinction of African elephants EnglishPDF
May 13 Joint Urgent Statement of NGOs Opposing the Construction of a New Military Base at Henoko EnglishPDF
Apr 27 Statement of concern to Prime Minister Abe of Japan
(Regarding Japan’s Ivory Trade and the Decimation of Africa’s forest and Savanna Elephants)
Apr 10 Public comment on the advice of a Scientific Authority for the exportation of the yellow pond turtle  (including the Yaeyama yellow pond turtle) JapanesePDF


May 2 Public comment on the latest version of Japanese LCES (the Law for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) EnglishPDF
Feb 25 Public comment on the draft of the Conservation strategy of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora JapanesePDF
Feb 20 Public comment on the Fifth National Report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity JapanesePDF
Feb 20 Public comment on the draft report on the Implementation Status of the National Biodiversity Strategy of Japan 2012-2020 JapanesePDF


Aug 5 Public comment on the revision bill of National Biodiversity Strategy JapanesePDF


Feb 8 Environmental Policy Proposal from NGO/NPOs and Business sector―Change consuming action for Conservation of Biodiversity JapanesePDF


Feb 26 Environmental Policy Proposal from NGO/NPOs and Business sector―Enhance the expert knowledge on wildlife and cooperation among administrations JapanesePDF
Jan 7 Public comment on the draft version of National Biodiversity Strategy 2010 JapanesePDF


Jul 14 About policy makings of wildlife management JapanesePDF


Jul 7 Statement of JWCS on global conservation of wildlife at G8 Summit in Hokkaido EnglishPDF
Jun 4 Comment on World Environment Day by JWCS President Hideo Obara EnglishPDF
Apr 28 Appeal on the Republic of South Africa to oppose the proposed cull of elephants EnglishPDF
Jan 31 The opinion on the basic guideline for the prevention of wildlife damage to the agriculture and forestry and fishery sectors JapanesePDF
Jan 17 Offer to Sapporo city to stop official selling of polar bear fur JapanesePDF


Dec 6 The opinion on the Act on Special Measures concerning law of the prevention of wildlife damage to the agriculture and forestry and fishery sectors JapanesePDF
Sep 8 Administrative processes regarding the registration application of Slow loris JapanesePDF
Jul 9 Appeal on the Ministry of finance to avoid the illegal import of slow loris JapanesePDF
Jun 18 The message to the major of Noda city on the official selling of tiger fur JapanesePDF


Nov 11 A proposal for better cooperation on mass haunts of bears JapanesePDF
Jan 13 Opinion on the report of the Central Environment Council wildlife Subcommittee JapanesePDF


Nov 17 Appeal on the issue of Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean oil pipeline construction JapanesePDF
Sep 12 Protest to the Japanese TV show “Project of returning tigers in to the African wilderness” on Sep.5 JapanesePDF


Oct 14 Thirteenth meeting of CITES closed  
Sep 17 Report on the illegal trade of tiger parts and products on the market JapanesePDF


Oct 7 Black and Grey-Illegal Ivory in Japanese Markets 2nd editon EnglishPDF


Proposal for “Revision draft of the wildlife protection and hunting management law”  
Nov 1 Result of CITES-CoP12 JapanesePDF
Oct 7 Black and Grey-Illegal Ivory in Japanese Markets-  
Oct 7 The endless Ivory trade and poaching of the African forest elephant in the Republic of Congo JapanesePDF
Oct 1 World simultaneous press release about the bear’s gall trade
(The worldwide wild bears are in an extinction crisis by using bear’s gall for the traditional Chinese medicine)
Oct 1 Request for the bear’s gall trade  
Jul 11 Opinion on the Law for the Promotion of Nature Restoration  
Jul 1 The domestic circulation of the bear’s gall and illegal trade findings report  
May 22 Statement of JWCS on Issues of Re-opening of Commercial Whaling EnglishPDF
Mar 11 Public comment on the draft version of new National biodiversity strategy JapanesePDF
Mar 1 Report of Domestic trade of the Bear’s gall and illegal trade  


Jun 1 Follow-up survey of dealers identified to have been dealing in tiger parts and products prior to the trade regulation EnglishPDF


May 29 Appeal to continue a thorough investigation on the arrested ivory dealer and on Japanese ivory industry EnglishPDF
May 29 Appeal to improve the operation of the ivory management system as a momentum of Ivory smuggling at Kobe Port JapanesePDF
May 18 A letter of request to the Public Prosecutor to reveal the route of ivory smuggling of in Japan JapanesePDF


Dec 20 Urgent comment on the domestic trade regulation of tiger body parts JapanesePDF
Nov 18 Opinion for the revision bill of “Act on Protection and Management of Animals” JapanesePDF
Nov 14 Statement concerning the case of illegal wildlife (orangutans, etc.) trade EnglishPDF
Sep 21 Comment for the “Revision draft of 8th wildlife protection and hunting management law project plan” JapanesePDF
Jul 15 Comment for the orangutan smuggling case (press release document) JapanesePDF
Jul 15 Comment for the business reopening of trying it of the ivory JapanesePDF
Jul 5 Appeal to the illegal wildlife (orangutans, etc.) trade cases JapanesePDF
Jun 25 Appeal to the case of the in violation of Endangered Species Preservation Act of the pet shop ”1 wan land Umeda” in Japan JapanesePDF
Apr 15 Opinion on the revision bill of “Wildlife protection and hunting management law” JapanesePDF
Apr 8 Comments on the import of ivory from Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe to Japan and the auction for it EnglishPDF
Feb 10 Comment for the CITES standing committee about the decision to start trial ivory trade (press release document) JapanesePDF
Feb 8 The point of the resolution by CITES standing committee about the decision to start trial ivory trade JapanesePDF


Dec 14 Comment on the report of “Wildlife protection and hunting management policy investigation committee” JapanesePDF
Dec 9 Request for the illegal trade of shahtoosh (Tibetan antelope) JapanesePDF
Dec 1 About the relation of unregistered selling of shahtoosh (Tibetan antelope) shawl and tiger bones trade  
Jul 14 Protest document to Fuji Television about eating tiger meat dish JapanesePDF


Nov 30 Protest and appeal to the Japanese government regarding the decision of Downgrading African elephant appendix? and supporting the suggestion of starting the ivory trade JapanesePDF


May 31 JWCS’s opinion to the 47th Annual of The International Whaling Commission EnglishPDF
May 1 Statement regarding the Sanctuary in the Antarctic Ocean and Japanese research whaling EnglishPDF


Nov 7 Opinion on the CITES listing criteria related to the resolution of the CITES CoP9 JapanesePDF
Jun 22 Problems of the resolution of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) JapanesePDF
Jun 1 Problems of the resolution of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) JapanesePDF